Annotation Notes

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Annotation Notes
2016.04.25, 01:54pm
New translation:
2016.05.01, 02:53pm
2016.[Month].[Day], [hh]:[mm][am/pm]
Name: Robin Reich (Amy and Sophie)
Date and Time:

2016.04.25, 01:54pm

Location: Lab
Subject: Dragonsblood translation (fol. 29v and 38v)

After talking with Sophie and Amy about the quality of dragonsblood we have been using in the lab, I went back to the French for my two recipes to see if I can get some clarity on what this material is supposed to look like. It was clear to me earlier that there were aspects of these translations that needed to be tweaked, but I now feel that whole sentences need to be retranslated. The one piece that I think needs to be changed immediately is:

Recipe: Against nose bleeding and for dyeing fol. 38v
French text:
Contre seignee du nes et pour taincture
Pile de ceste espece de vinete ou lapathum acutum qui est vene de rouge quon appellee sang de dragon Et laplique de sur le front de celuy qui seigne Ceste herbe a force taincture & faict beau violet

New translation:

Against bleeding of the nose and for dying
Pound some of the variety of "vinete" or "lapathum acutum" that is red-veined, which is called dragonsblood. And apply it onto the one who bleeds. This herb is a strong dye and makes a beautiful violet.

The important change here is "onto the one who bleeds" rather than the current translation "on to the bleeding person's forehead," because the latter implies that the dragonsblood is applied to an entirely different spot than the bleed, whereas the former suggests that it is placed in contact with the blood.

Name: Robin Reich
Date and Time:

2016.05.01, 02:53pm

Subject: Herbals
I discorsi di M Pietro Andra Matthioli
p. 413-416
cap. clv - Della Dragontea Maggiore
cap. clvi - Della Dragontea Minore
Dragontea Aquatica
Historia vitis vinique et stirpium nonullarum aliarum, item medicinalium - Rembertus Dodonaeus
p. 106 - De Hydrophobia cap. IIII

Name: (Also the name of your working partner)
Date and Time:

2016.[Month].[Day], [hh]:[mm][am/pm]
